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Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Rechteinhaber: Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek Emden

Philippi Presbyteri Viri Longe Ervditissimi, In Historiam Iob Commentariorvm Libri Tres. In Philippo, Qvem Iam Nvnc A Sitv Asseruimus tibi candide Lector, quod præstitisse nos confidimus, nempe ut inoffense legatur, id sumus itidem aggressi in Cyrillo Alexandrino facere, & paulo post in Athanasio, quibus per nos integri Tomi ex uetustissimis libris accedent, modo tu nos, quod bono tuo potes, sedulò tuo fauore adiuues

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