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Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Rechteinhaber: Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek Emden

Enarrationes vetustissimorum Theologorvm, In Acta Qvidem Apostolorvm Et In Omnes D. Pavli Ac Catholicas epistolas ab Oecumenio: in Apocalypsim verò, ab Aretha Cæsarêæ Cappodociæ episcopo magna cura collectæ. Selecta quædam fragmenta ex D. Epiphanio Cyprensi, Theodoreto Cyrensi episcopis, aliisq[ue] primæ claßis Theologis, ad primos Ecclesiæ ritus ac leges stabiliendos plurimum conducentia. Præterea Remigii Altisiodorensis Episcopi, luculentissima in vndecim posteriores Prophetas, enarratio. Iohanne Hentenio interprete

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