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Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Rechteinhaber: Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek Emden

Exomologesis Sive Modus confitendi, per Erasmum Roterodamu[m],. opus nunc primum & natum & excusum, cum alijs lectu dignis, quorum catalogum reperies in proxima pagella ; [In Hoc Opvscvlo Contenta. 1 Exomologesis, siue modus confitendi. 2 Paraphrasis in tertium psalmum: Domine quid multiplicati. 3 Duo diplomata Papæ Adriani sexti cum responsionibus. 4 Epistola de morte. 5 Apologia ad Stunicæ conclusiones]

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